martes, 7 de abril de 2015

Things you have to know about Spaniards!

Are you thinking about travelling to Spain? maybe you should read this... very useful for understand Spanish customs.

First... what about Tips?
Circulo de Bellas Artes - Madrid
Locals often tip even if modestly, it is considered polite and Spanish people are sticklers for manners and etiquette. 
Leaving the small change behind to round up to the nearest Euro is the most common. Maybe an extra Euro or 2 if the service was very good and added value.
In restaurants it is expected around 10%.

There are no added service charges on the final bill at most restaurants or bars, although some higher priced restaurants may add IVA( VAT) to the final bill. This should be clearly seen in the menu.
Don’t forget these service staff work hard for little money and any extra is always appreciated. (most of the patrons are also lower income turists, which everyone seems to forget)

Outside the restaurant business, some service providers, such as taxicab drivers, hairdressers and hotel personnel may expect tipping in an upscale setting.

Second...what about "Timetables"?
Schedules in Spain! Very difficult to understand for foreigners visiting the country.
If people in Europe usually have lunch at 13:00 and have dinner at 20:00 in Spain people have lunch at 14: 00/14: 30 and have dinner at 21: 30/22: 00.

There are also variations depending on the different geographical area: the south has always been late in their schedules, especially in summer.
The schedule of Public Administration and Banks is from 8:00 to 15:00. However
Not all Spaniards take a nap, private enterprise has schedules that extend late into the evening, so that significantly delays dinner time.

Third...what about "arriving late"?
In Spain and Latin America, it is expected that guests will arrive "late" to a social activity, especially in the evening, in some South American countries, such as Chile, it is al
most considered impolite to arrive on time, as your host will probably not be totally prepared for guests yet. If you arrive 15 minutes to a half an hour after the stated time, you are considered "on time". Late arrival is not considered rude or impolite.
This relaxed attitude does not extend to work or school attendance, however. For an interview, a job, or class attendance, arrive on time. When traveling by bus or plane in a foreign country, it's safer to arrive on time at the terminal just in case (even though you may have to wait for your transportation after all).

If you want to learn everything about Spanish language, habits and traditions  book our Safari EXPERIENCE in Madrid or Tenerife.

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